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          ‘Today animals are laughing’ – including those who are being slaughtered in more than a million slaughterhouses around the world.

       Amidst the threat of the tiniest, virtually invisible and deadly virus, the world is witnessing hundreds of deaths and the so-called powerful ‘human race’ is feeling helpless and brought down to its knees. Yes, the humans are frightened and dying like animals in slaughterhouses.

         Is it too late for us to look within?? The average life span of these, so-called ‘Humans’, who are only ‘transient in nature’, is less than 80 years on this earth.

        Has the time come to re-think how we treat each other as individuals or as Nations?? Can we be more ‘Human’ in our approach with each other?? 

         Has the time come to learn from these so-called inferior race of ‘animals’, who not only displays basic qualities of ‘Being Human’ more than humans but also contribute towards the sustenance of habitable environment on this lonely planet.

        Why so many conflicts in the world?? For natural resources? new markets? and for how long?? for what?? What all things we want to achieve through such conflicts in this short span of our transient lives ??

         The outbreak of this deadly virus has seen the loss of as many as more than 800 lives per day in some countries. The same is spreading like a wildfire. We are sure that antidote or a vaccine is on its way of discovery. Should not we take this as an opportunity to change our approach towards others, self, animals or other countries? 

        It is important to never forget that we are only a ‘Transient’ and are going to be around for not more than 80 years in total. Can’t we be a strength to each other and grow with each other?? 

         Should we not play a ‘God’ in each other’s lives and be a strength to a needy, underprivileged individual or a Nation?? and help them grow? 

       Should not we make an attempt to leave a good, peaceful, habitable, healthy and positive footprint in the environment having cooperative neighbours for the sake of our children??

        One thing this outbreak of the deadly virus - Corona has definitely proven that we ‘Humans’ are too small a ‘Fry’ in the overall scheme of things.
     Before it’s too late, should not we follow only one religion now, that is above any caste, creed, politics, race and religion?? -- The ‘Religion of Humanity’????


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